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Bad Money Habits To Break Before Christmas

Silly season is around the corner, and soon the malls will be filled with jingles, decorations and special deals. Doing a little prep work before the festive season arrives could help you curb the need to spend money on things you may not need. Practice makes perfect, so start breaking bad money habits before Christmas arrives, so that you better handle the temptations when they come around.

1. Buying food like it’s fashion

While there’s nothing wrong with going on a gastronomic adventure every once in a while, eating out too frequently will cause a dent in your wallet. Christmas time could be especially difficult with friends and family posting particularly delicious #foodporn on social media, while restaurants and food retailers share their delectable holiday offers.  Getting yourself into a good food habit before Christmas will help you resist and possibly avoid denting your wallet too much at the end of the year.

2. Living a lifestyle you cannot really afford

With all the triggers on social media and the sales popping up here and there and even online, many consumers end up going overboard and spending more than they should. Some even don’t set a budget at all, they just keep trying to live up to a certain kind of lifestyle. Going neck-deep into debt just to be seen clutching that expensive purse or driving that top-of-the-line car is never going to be okay. Maxing out your financial resources and living paycheque to paycheque financially disarms you and leaves you vulnerable to future financial emergencies, not to mention the risk of insolvency and blacklisting.

3. Paying beyond the due date

Missed payments build up over time and can also affect your credit score. A low credit score means lower chances of getting approved for loans for bigger purchases. If you are the forgetful type, set up an automatic payment or turn on the reminders on your mobile to build a monthly routine.

4. Paying the minimum amount of balance

Paying the monthly minimum of your credit card balance is enticing, especially when it offers low-interest rates. Though the payment term offers a light monthly payment, you are actually hurting your finances. With the ballooned interest, you are actually paying more. Make it a point to pay the full amount indicated on your bill every month.

5. Rewarding yourself through purchases

There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself after accomplishing a big project or overcoming a stressful week at work. But stress shopping, stress eating, and reward splurging can end up with you spending more than you should.  Splurging too much and leaving your wallet with nothing will only cause further distress from worrying. Look for affordable and cheaper ways to reward yourself.

6. Shopping as mood booster

Retail therapy is a lie. As mentioned above, retail therapy is also a root cause of overspending. Allot a budget for simple shopping pleasure instead, which covers budget allocation for both necessities and leisure. When you do shop, make a list of what you need before leaving the house. Stick to your list and avoid browsing. Browsing leads to baskets filled with things you want, but don’t necessarily need.

7. Trying too hard to belong in that circle

Many are accustomed to joining the bandwagons of the moment. It could be jet-setting to the most popular party cities or buying the latest kicks with a hefty price tag, or snatching up the latest phone as soon as it’s out on the market.  Basically, when your friends buy something or something is posted by an influencer, the item is deemed worth the buy for bragging rights and just to belong. This mindset is a surefire way towards mismanaged finances.

8. Living without a safety net

Realize your needs and wants and establish long-term goals. Doing so will help you determine the amount you need to save and set a deadline. Set up an account and make an automatic transfer from your payroll account to your savings account.


If you’ve tried breaking your bad money habits but can’t seem to do it on your own, it’s time to talk to a debt councellor at Debt Care. Our councellors are trained to help evaluate your current financial situation and restructure your debt to free up some money for you to live on while still covering your debt repayments. Call us on 0861 977 873 or email [email protected] to speak to a debt counsellor today.

The post Bad Money Habits To Break Before Christmas appeared first on DebtCare Website.

Source: Bad Money Habits To Break Before Christmas