North west machine operator and mining school (pty)ltd
We are a practical Artisans And Machine Operator Skills Training Centre in Rustenburg, North West Province that focuses strongly on employment skilled training in the following areas among others:
call us +27 71 388 2194 or +2773 7643925
LHD(Scoop) Operator Courses,
Utility Vehicle(UV),
Dump Truck (ADT & 777) Courses,
Counter Balance(FORK LIFT),
Drill Rig,
Excavator Courses,
Tractor Loader Backhoe(TLB),
Mobile Cranes,
Tower Cranes,
Overhead Crane
Certificate Renewal
Boiler Making, Diesel Mechanic Courses, Fitting & Turning, Fire Fighting
call Alpha or what’s-app +27 71 388 2194 / +27 73 7643925
We provide Free accommodation and Job Assistance after Training.