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How Can Social Media Help To Spread Awareness About Xenophobia?

Social media can be used for a large variety of applications, from promoting your business, showcasing your new products, even announcing a rebranding. It is often the platform that businesses and brands go to when they are working on a digital marketing strategy and it is highly effective at building brand awareness. 

But, social media networks can be used for so much more, such as helping to spread awareness about serious issues such as xenophobia. 

If you make use of social media management services you can use these to help with spreading awareness. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram can be sued to shed light on xenophobia for those who might not be aware of the situation. Below we discuss how social media can help to spread awareness about issues such as xenophobia. 

The Power Of The Hashtag

Now, you might think that hashtags are only used by celebrities to promote their brands or by agencies who want to appeal to an audience, but a hashtag is a fantastic way to bring awareness to a cause or issue. 

Twitter shows users trending hashtags on its popular social media network, and using one such as “#xenphobia” or “#stopxenophobia” multiple times in your tweets can help to make these more popular hashtags. People who are genuinely interested in the cause will be able to find your tweets, share them, and react to them easily. Social media provides a first-hand, front-view account of what is happening in the world and can help you to show solidarity for the serious issue that is xenophobia. 

Create Awareness With A Viral Video

Videos are highly effective at reaching people and spreading awareness about certain causes and matters. Videos also have more likelihood of becoming viral, which means that more people will be able to see it and will be exposed to the content therein. 

Videos are also looked at more than many other forms of media, and platforms such as YouTube are a testament to this. Users can upload their own content (as long as it is within the guidelines of the social media network) and share it with thousands of viewers, further helping to shed light on such issues. However, you will need to be sure that any video you create is not defamatory or negative, as this will be detrimental to your campaign. 

Set Up A Donation Page

Social media networks can be a fantastic driving force behind awareness campaigns for issues such as xenophobia, but more often than not, these campaigns do not have any calls-to-action or goals. This can confuse users who might be interested in helping the cause. Creating a donation page for those who have been affected by the issue will help users to take real action after seeing your social media posts. 

Donation pages can also be shared on social media platforms, and if you make use of relevant hashtags when sharing them, these pages will gain more visibility and more traction. Many people who are affected by xenophobia lose their homes, money, and resources. These donation pages can be highly effective at raising much-needed funds if leveraged correctly on social media. 

Pick An Effective Partnership

For any cause in the world, there are organisations that operate to alleviate it or shed light on the cause. Working together with these organisations can help brands to spread awareness for these issues on social media while also improving the visibility of the organisations themselves. 

These organisations likely have more relevant information about the issues that they can send to people who are interested in helping. By picking an effective partnership, you are able to leverage their social media network as well as your own to spread awareness. Be sure that all content that is shared either on their social media platform and on your own is cohesive and has the same information in order to maintain your messaging. 

Tell Visual Stories

While it is important to have written content explaining the xenophobia situation, using visual content can help to improve your reach. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and even Twitter allow you to share images with your followers, friends, and family and it is a known fact that people are becoming increasingly visual today. 

Sharing infographics, photographs, and videos that explain xenophobia and why it needs to be stopped will help social media users to understand the situation more clearly. Visual stories are also highly sharable, which means that your content and your message could be shared by dozens if not hundreds of people who are interested in helping the cause. 

Be sure to keep the content educational, helpful, and informational rather than negative or shocking. This will ensure you stay within the content guidelines of the chosen social media platforms. If you would like to build a social media strategy to help raise awareness for a cause, take a look at one of our listed business to find one to suit your needs.